Remember that Bing Crosby holiday favorite...."we wish you a messy christmas"..... no? Maybe you're blinded by all the candy canes and fuzzy santa hats. The past two weeks at church we've been going through a series based on just that, a messy christmas. Let's be honest, Christmas isn't what it was when you were 8 years old and you cracked open the first NES, and tecmo bowl quickly became your identity (rightfully so). Christmas anymore isn't about the snow, happy jingle bells, lights, or even the perfect tree. As a kid, Christmas was the magic that I'm sure it still is for most kids, gift unwrapping, stockings full of sour candy, and your parents loving the joy you are getting. Flash forward 10 years, Christmas used to be a time when my brother and I would share a tradition of watching "A Christmas Story", wrap our gifts, all on christmas eve. We would share stupid laughter and for a couple hours we captured what christmas was for us as kids, pure joy. Somewhere between now and then Christmas got messy. I'm pretty sure it's something called responsibility....with that comes stress and expectations. Have you ever seen the episode of Seinfeld and George is having his "Worlds Collide"...? Marriage is colliding worlds.
You're trying to juggle the simple fact that two worlds should just blend together. The traditions should melt into perfect harmony and everyone will be so happy...because it's Christmas.'s a killer everytime........ It's messy everytime. Instead of being like two boxing elves this holiday season I encourage you to find the positive in everything....I struggle with this sometimes, shoot I just complained tonight to my wife. Instead of throwing your hands up in disgust because you'll miss out on the tradition that is so vital to you....instead look to form a new one. As our pastor Mike said......"do you really think Mary and Joseph weren't dealing with a little messy situation". Here's a couple that is being asked to showcase a pregnancy, that oh by the way just "magically" happened, and get this, is the "son of God". You think missing a stupid movie they run on TBS for 24 hours is a dillema? How 'bout explaining that to everyone:
"Hi I'm Joseph, wife Mary, this is our Son, he can make you see, make you walk, pretty much do whatever he wants to do, but I still need to change his diaper in an hour".
God chose those two and he chose to make it messy. He chooses us all for different things, maybe not giving birth to the "Great I am", but to accomplish things he sees just as important. So this holiday season, when things look like they are starting to get messy and all mucked for the positive and see if God is pressing you a might just end up liking the direction he's taking you, messy or not. Happy holidays and remember