my realizations about my job as of 10:00 this tuesday night.
Jobs are better when you take time to play. Intentionally fitting in time to find joy at work makes for a better version of your work self.
Jobs are better when you muddle through some bad times to only find the better times, are in fact, better.
Jobs are better when you can walk away from it, return, and know that everything is ok. You didn't just crash a plane like an air traffic controller.
Jobs are better when you know for sure that your future is truly unsure. The unknown is exciting, keeps you evolving.
Jobs are better when you earn recognition for your accomplishments and at the same time challenged with your shortcomings.
Jobs are better when you know your product will always be there in some form, so you're needed.
Jobs are better when you wake up in the morning and don't feel like you're going to a job.
here endeth the lesson.