Sunday, January 2, 2011


Are you a fan of chips? Do you get immense satisfaction out of a good potato chip? Look no further than the home grown glory of the marcelled goodness, Ballreich's. You thought Tiffin, OH was only known for producing "yours truly" .....oh but don't forget the chip of all chips. They have many flavors, but the best are the two you see above. The BBQ is to die for, I have a hunch that these were used as currency in the early 1800's. The original are also amazing but I prefer the BBQ, my brother prefers the salt n vinegar, and I used to always eat the Sour Cream and Onion. The chip plant is on Ohio Ave. in Tiffin, OH, you typically could only buy them in town.....Here's the best news for those that do not live in the fine metropolis in Northwest Ohio...they are now in Central Ohio and other parts. I have personal knowledge you can find them in almost all the Kroger's now in Columbus and surrounding areas. I dare you to go out and buy one bag and pretend you won't buy another. Try it. This tuesday is the OSU bowl game, pick up a bag of Ballreich's and enjoy a good game of pigskin with even better potato chips. If you don't love them, I won't buy you a bag of your own, but I'll just be shocked.

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