Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Job

Awhile back you may have read a post I wrote about giving up coaching and a new journey that I would be embarking upon. My entire life as far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a head football coach. I loved the idea of leading young men in something I felt passionate about. I loved the idea of interacting with parents on almost a family level, both of us raising their son in a way. I loved the idea of the camaraderie among coaches and the fraternity you were a part of. I loved the idea of having the ability to make program decisions, the pressure that came with it included. I spent the last 7 years pursuing this dream. Every professional move I made was for this goal. Sitting through hours of interviews, answering to the best of my ability questions regarding program leadership. My favorite moment happened to be when I left my third interview and it was all but a done deal. I had done it, goal accomplished. Then my phone rang, and the superintendent said he had to go against his gut, because he was worried I was going to leave after success. Crash.

Imagine having a goal in front of you for your entire life, finally reach out for it and feel it in your fingers, only to have it slip out of your grip as you squeeze. It was here that my life changed forever.

The next months found me moving districts, jobs, and of course coaching assignments. I was now forced with a decision. Continue to pursue the dream I've had, fully knowing that I was back to square one, or find a new goal. I soon realized that my path was chosen for me, and it was pointless for me to fight it. Fast forward three years and here I sit about to explain how my goal was accomplished finally. No, I'm not going to be a head coach, I have come to grips (99% worth) with that being a goal that isn't for me. Instead, I'm becoming a head coach of a youth ministry. My official title will be Director of Youth Ministry at Northchurch in Lewis Center, OH. This provides everything I was looking for. A chance to work with not only guys but also girls about something I am passionate. It gives me the chance to work with parents in a family setting, both of us raising their son/daughter. I will have that camrarderie with fellow directors, pastors, and leaders. It provides me with the program decision making responsibility, pressure included. Most importantly it is not my goal, it's my goal with God's job description. I may not be calling the plays on a friday night, but there will come a time when a call I make will mean a heck of a lot more than a first down or a touchdown. Trust me, God can throw a better celebration party than the boosters.

It's with an immense amount of excitement and equal amount of fear that I jump into this new chapter of my life. I have a supportive wife and a daughter that can't speak her opinion yet, although I know it would be positive. I have a church family that is supportive with a core group of leaders, parents, and friends that will be an asset. I have a lead pastor that believes in me, and I don't forsee him calling me anytime soon saying that he is going against his gut because he's worried about me having success. We will fail, We will have success. We will hopefully do what God has intended, which I'm learning more about each and every day. So if you're a person that prays, throw a couple in Northchurch Student Ministry's direction. If you're not, throw us some good karma or sour patch kids, your call. It's about to be a heck of a my buddy McDonough says, which type of person are you?

1. A person that should have done more when they had the chance.
2. A person that wishes they did more, but waited for others to do it.
3. A person that just gets sh*t done.

Option 3 please.


Unknown said...

Bert I am proud to know you.

Mike McDonough said...

Atta boy Wiser, I'm honored to have worked with you and proud of your decision! I've always said you were person #3. I'm excited to here more...and that superintendent has no idea what he's missing!!!