Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday as you know it.

It's 8:31 p.m. on a friday night. I'm on my couch watching a meaningless college football game, and I love it. Lets talk about this friday night. Friday night used to be "the" night, the night everything happened, but before that it was an even simpler time. Friday night has evolved. When I was a wee little lad I'm sure I saw Friday night as any other night, I still ran around screaming playing with pots and pans before it was time to crash. Once I got old enough to remember things Friday night became a family night. We would get snacks and watch TGIF television. Cosby show, Steve Urkle, and other classics filled our night. Once middle school hit and it wasn't really cool to hang out at home we would spend the night every friday somewhere. My best friend Newman and I spent every single friday night at one of our houses. Friday became the slumber night. Early high school meant Friday night became a night with your buddies and maybe a few girls. This was the bowling night, food at taco bell, nights at the park. Friday became co-ed night. Post drivers license Friday night became date night. Spend the time with the girl if you had one, then meet up with your buddies and spend the rest of the night doing stupid stuff. College meant Friday night was another night to go out and drink. Post college, early career meant that Friday was a night to celebrate, cut loose, and forget the stress from the workplace. Marriage changes Friday night to a night of "what are we going to do?" Friday night all of sudden has expectations of, we need to do something. This turns into ordering food and watching a movie if you stay awake. Then there are the Friday nights with kids. Friday nights with a kid means you don't look for something to do, you look for ways to get food in before it's bed time for the kid so you can go to bed because the bags under your eyes say it's now 8:41 and it's sleep time. On that note, good night Friday.

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