Thursday, May 14, 2009

Would you like a parasite with that?

Thats the question I wish the breeder would have asked when we brought emmy home a week and half ago....but no, he didn't mention anything about this cute little bundle of chewy-ness bringing such a world of pain on yours truly.

Turns out this parasite she brought with her can transfer to a human.....enter me.
I guess the first time we noticed something was when after a week I still couldn't eat without feeling like I wanted to send it back where it came from. I went to the doc. He took blood. He asked me for a sample (editors note: I don't want to type that type of waste). Have you ever had to give that sample? you get the little plastic cap to put on the toilet and.....nevermind. It's the most humbling experience bringing that sample back in. I feel like Tom Hanks in the "Green Mile"....with that crazy guy that keeps saying "walkin' the mile.....walking the green mile".......
did I mention they found nothing from all of these tests? Or the part where we took emmy to the vet, she tested very positive for the parasite Giardia. I called previously said Doc and asked if that sample was examined for Gia...His response "'ll need to come in and give us another sample"

"$%&*$&%*#^$^*%$&(&%($*%(*(($%(&$*&% "

so here I sit. Nearly two weeks after picking her up and I'm still not right. Imagine waking up every morning and you have a personal midget that kicks you in the stomach while you're trying to's extreme eating. He gets happier and happier with every kick because you're about to give in and just stop eating.

I'm starting a new diet program, forget Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and that froot loop Atkins guy. "Go buy a pup with a parasite and you'll lose plenty of weight!"

editor would like you to know that the dog is just fine. Of course she is.


Martin said...

Reading this just made my stomach cringe. I heard there is only one way to get rid of a parasite of such a magnitude. Wisestock......Start the hydration process early and then we waste him with a heavy dosage of high quality H2O in the summer.

tyler said...

that sucks brenty, i think i've got that parasite.

that youtube clip is a gem.