Sunday, May 3, 2009

Emmy: And it begins..

About 2:00 May 2nd lindsey and I pulled up to the breeders house in Delphos, OH. To make a long visit short we met three little 'doodles, two walked in like it was a saturday night WWE bout sideswiping her sister and one just came in as being the smallest of the three. Knowing lindsey well enough this was the one that captured her heart from the get go. After a dog dissertation from the breeder we set sail for Delaware. Now I've heard the horror stories about the drive home, the wailing, the whining, and worst of all the pooping.

There was zero of that. 2 hour drive and maybe a whimper that seemed to serve more as a goodbye to her first family.

Our first day was a very good one with Emmy, she adapted quickly to her new home eating her first hearty meal of dry cardboard petals like a regular at any waffle house. Then like it was second nature, she went outside and deposited those petals in our grass. We played most of the day, with her taking occasional naps, and rushing her outside to use the restroom.
The martins came over that night and Emmy decided biting Matt's ACL was the best way to spend a few hours. We played through the evening until midnight when it was time to put her in her "house". Surprisingly she went fine from Midnight to around 2:30 without a single whimper. Lindsey had shift one and had her outside and back in her "house" by 3:00. Emmy went strong through the night until 5:00 or so when it was yours truly time to shine. She was extremely scared and wanted nothing more than to just snuggle up with you. So we laid on the floor for about 20 min until I thought it was ok to put her back in. She went strong for another 45 min, and it was enough of that. We slept for the next hour and half on the floor together and then it was eat and poop time.

She is great in so many ways and we've known her for less than 24 hours. Time to go, this blog has taken me a good 4 hours to write because Emmy keeps biting the computer screen, thats her way of saying "hey idiot chase me".


Anonymous said...

She is adorable! It's tough for several months, but it's all worth it!!

Cammi said...

Sleep on the floor?....come on....It will not be long till she is Lindsey's and yours bed advice....put her in the cage to begin the night, but after 3am man just put in bed with you all.....and all of you will stay rested.

Martin said...

Cooper said he enjoyed the photos. He actually printed them off and put them up in his cage!