Friday, February 5, 2010

Wrestling with dad

Lindsey and I somehow got on a conversation tonight about wrestling....I think it stemmed from my wife fighting our dog all over the floor. I laughed to myself and started telling her about the wrestling matches brad and I had with our dad in our living room. When we were little we used to square off with our pop in the center ring of our front room thinking we could take him. We would devise a plan, Brad goes straight on, I swing around the coffee table to attack from behind. We were like General Patton and Dwight D. Eisenhower on D-Day, ready to execute the attack that would alter history....the boy's taking out the old man. Nevertheless, brad would only divert his attention for a bit while he would take the brunt of the blow....when I would swoop in thinking I had a clear knock out shot, then wham. I was turned upside down and hanging from my dad's shoulder like a towel in a dryer. Dazed and confused I would struggle to search for my brother in arms, only to find him in the worst case scenario when wrestling dad....the leg lock. Dad had his lethal finishing move, much like hulk hogan dropping the leg, he would pin one of us between is legs of iron and shake us.

Have you ever been to a paint store and seen that machine that shakes up the paint buckets? That was dad's move. He would shake you into submission. It typically forced out extreme laughter from both of us. If you were the lucky one to not get the leg shake you had two options. 1) Make a break for it and leave your counterpart behind gasping for air in between chuckles or 2) you go for the risky removal of your brother. This took guts and strength that a 5 or 7 year old just didn't have. However, because of the bond we had, we typically went for option two. The end result was never good, sometimes we fell into the double leg lock, or worse, brad was released and I entered the temple of shaky shake. The only way out from this mess was the voice of an She had the key to our escape, she rang the final bell, and released us from the locker.

I bet he would still handle us.


Scotty Mo said...

Ha! My finishing move was also the call for mom... never failed!

bshawise said...

he'd still be able to take you. i'd work him.

bww said...

Please brad, your old body would be like a wet bag of christmas ornaments, waiting for a piƱata like whooping